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Why In-Memory/HANA for Real-time Enterprise Management

Why In-Memory/HANA for Real-time Enterprise Management

Today and Tomorrow
Imagine you live in New York City. Now, imagine that every time you want a glass of water, instead of getting it from the kitchen, you need to drive to the airport, get on a plane and fly to Germany and pick up your water there. From the perspective of a modern CPU, accessing data which is in-memory is like getting water from the kitchen.
Accessing a piece of data from the computer’s hard disk is like flying to Germany for your glass of water. In the last 30 years the prohibitive cost of main memory has made the flight to Germany necessary. The last few years, however, have seen a dramatic reduction in the cost per megabyte of main memory, finally making the glass of the water in the kitchen a cost effective and much more convenient option.
This orders-of-magnitude difference in access times has profound implications for all enterprise applications. Things that in the past were not even considered because they took so long, now become possible, allowing businesses concrete insight into the workings of their company that previously were the subject of speculation and guess-work. The in-memory revolution is not simply about putting data into memory and thus being able to work with it “faster”.

It shows the convergence of two other major trends in the IT industry also:
a) The advent of massiv multi-core CPUs and the necessity of exploiting this parallelism in software, and
b) The stalling access latency for DRAM, requiring software to cleverly balance between CPU and memory activity; have to be harnessed to truly exploit the potential performance benefits.

Another key aspect of in-memory/HANA for real-time enterprise apllications, is a change in the way data is stored in the underlying database. This is of particular relevance for the enterprise applications that are our focus.

The power of in-memory/HANA is in connecting all these dots.

The Revolutioary Power of In-Memory/HANA 
Our 6-years of experience has shown us that many enterprise applications work with databases in a similar way. They process large numbers of rows during their execution, but crucially, only a small number of columns in a table might be of interest in a particular query. The columnar storage model like used  in HANA allows only the required columns to be read while the rest of the table can be ignored. This is in contrast to the more traditional row-oriented model, where all columns of a table—even those that are not necessary for the result—must be accessed. The columnar storage model also means that the elements of a given column are stored together.
This makes the common enterprise operation of aggregation much faster than in a row-oriented model where the data from a given column is stored in amongst the other data in the row.

Scaling Out Due Parallelization Across Multiple Cores and Servers
Single CPU cores are no longer getting any faster but the number of CPU cores is still expected to double every 18 months. This makes exploiting the parallel processing capabilities of massiv multi-core CPUs (A rack has up to 800 CPU-cores) of central importance to all future software development.
As we saw above, in-memory columnar storage like SAP HANA places all the data from a given column together in memory making it easy to assign one or more cores to process a single column. This is called vertical fragmentation. Tables can also be split into sets of rows and distributed to different processors, in a process called horizontal fragmentation.
This is particularly important as data volumes continue to grow and has been used with some success to achieve parallelism in data warehousing applications. Both these methods can be applied, not only across multiple cores in a single machine, but across multiple machines in a cluster or in a data center.

Compression for Performance and to Save Space in Main Memory
Data compression techniques exploit redundancy within data and knowledge about the data domain. Compression applies particularly well to columnar storage in an enterprise data management scenario, since all data within a column has the same data type and in many cases there are few distinct values, for example in columns like country, town, name,  or status. In column stores like SAP HANA, compression is used for two reasons: to save space and to increase performance. Efficient use of space is of particular importance to in-memory data management because, even though the cost of main memory has dropped considerably, it is still relatively expensive compared to disk. Due to the compression within the columns, the density of information in relation to the space consumed is increased. As a result more relevant information can be loaded for processing at a time thereby increasing performance. Fewer load actions are necessary in comparison to row storage, where even columns of no relevance to the query are loaded without being used.

In Memory/HANA – Rethinking Application Development to Achieve in the Near Future a Real “Real-time Enterprise”
In-memory/HANA is not only a technology but a different way of thinking about software development: we must take fundamental hardware factors into account, such as access times to main memory versus disk and the potential parallelism that can be achieved with multi-core CPUs. Taking this new world of hardware into account, we must write software that explicitly makes the best possible use of it. On the positive side for developers of new real-time enterprise applications, this lays the technological foundations for a database layer tailored specifically to all these issues. On the negative side, however, the database will not take care of all the issues on its own. Developers must understand the underlying layers of soft- and hardware to best take advantage of the potential for a real-time enterprise.

Vorwort von Gerd Oswald fuer deutsche Ausgabe des In-Memory-Buchs von Plattner/Zeier

Vorwort von Gerd Oswald fuer deutsche Ausgabe des In-Memory-Buchs von Plattner/Zeier

Beschleunigung, Innovation, Reduktion

Hasso Plattner beweist mit In-­Memory wieder einmal, welche unglaubliche Kraft ein technologischer Innovationsschub entwickeln kann. Unternehmens-­Software wird einen Entwicklungssprung vollziehen, wie wir ihn zuletzt beim Übergang aus der Großrechnerwelt (SAP R/2) in die Client-­Server-­Welt (SAP R/3) gesehen haben. Wir erleben die Begeisterung für die Möglichkeiten der In-­Memory-­Technologie täglich bei unseren Entwicklern, in jedem Produktbereich.
Unsere Kunden werden diese Begeisterung teilen, sobald sie von unserer In-­Memory-­Technologie durch mehr Geschäftsinnovation, vereinfachte Prozesse und beschleunigte Abläufe für ihr Unternehmen profitieren.

Mehr Geschwindigkeit ist das offensichtlichste In-­Memory-­Merkmal. Es werden aber nicht nur die bestehenden Prozesse beschleunigt – es werden ganz neue Anwendungsszenarien möglich. Echtzeitanalysen auf Transaktionssystemen führen zu besseren Entscheidungen und unmittelbarer Umsetzung. Planungsszenarien können häufiger durchgespielt werden und dabei wesentlich mehr Variablen berücksichtigen. So können Mitarbeiter auf allen Ebenen weiter und sicherer in die Zukunft blicken – egal ob es um operative Entscheidungen im Call-­Center oder um die strategische Ausrichtung im Konferenzraum der Geschäftsleitung geht.
In-­Memory ermöglicht die direkte Verarbeitung massenhafter Daten auf Einzeltransaktionsebene. Damit wird Herrschaftswissen auf Aggregatebene aufgelöst und der Zugang zu Information und Daten demokratisiert. So können Mitarbeiter auf allen Ebenen effektivere Entscheidungen fällen. Erste Kunden haben es bereits geschafft, mithilfe einer In-­Memory-­Profitabilitätsanalyse viel schneller als bisher auf Nachfrageschwankungen je Produkt und Land zu reagieren. Diese erhöhte Agilität des Unternehmens hat einen direkten Einfluss auf Profitabilität und Risiko gezeigt.

In-­Memory ermöglicht auch vollkommen neue Geschäftspraktiken und -­modelle. Im „Internet der Dinge“ melden Maschinen ihren Status und ihre Betriebsdaten an den Hersteller. Durch Musteranalyse in den Meldungen können Probleme erkannt und durch präventive Wartung behoben werden, ohne dass es zu Fehlern und Ausfällen kommt – das ist mit klassi-­ scher Datenbanktechnologie nicht umsetzbar. Soziale Netzwerke reflektieren Stimmungen und Meinungen der End-­Anwender von Produkten und Dienstleistungen – mit In-­Memory-­Technologie können diese unstrukturierten Daten analysiert und für Marketing-­, Vertriebs-­ und Produktmanagement-­Initiativen verwendet werden.

Die Fähigkeit von In-­Memory-­Systemen zur Echtzeitverarbeitung großer Datenmengen erlaubt die Vereinfachung von Systemen. Die Trennung zwischen Transaktionssystemen und analytischen Systemen kann wegfallen – weniger Komplexität und redundanzfreie Daten-­ haltung machen das Leben einfacher. Datenaggregate und vordefinierte Auswertungspfade werden nicht mehr gebraucht, das vereinfacht die Datenhaltung und gibt den Anwendern einfacheren und schnelleren Zugang zu Informationen.
Hasso Plattner und Alexander Zeier zeigen Perspektiven, die nicht nur für CIOs relevant sind. In-­Memory schafft Innovations-­, Vereinfachungs-­ und Beschleunigungspotenziale für das ganze Unternehmen. Sie sind damit für die Geschäftsleitung von strategischer Bedeutung in Bezug auf die Unternehmensentwicklung.
Gerd Oswald, Member of the Board, SAP AG, Walldorf

MIT Quote by Prof Simchi-Levi for In-Memory Book by Plattner & Zeier : …new revolutionary…speed…usability…

MIT Quote by Prof Simchi-Levi for In-Memory Book by Plattner & Zeier : …new revolutionary…speed…usability…

The book “In-Memory Data Management – Technology and Applications” by Hasso Plattner and Alexander Zeier describes a revolutionary database technology and many implementation examples for business intelligence and operations. Of particular interest to me are the opportunities opening up in supply chain management, where the need to balance the speed of planning algorithms with data granularity has been a long time obstacle to performance and usability.

Prof. David Simchi-Levi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA)

German Edition Early June of “In-Memory Data Management – An Inflection Point for Enterprise Applications”

German Edition Early June of “In-Memory Data Management – An Inflection Point for Enterprise Applications”

First German Version at all will be available in June by Gabler/Springer:

Based on the Demand from German Companies for a German Version for their Employees, the translation of the First Version of the Book was initiated. A Translation is alway a time-consuming process and needed to get high quality.

The German Version will be first published at the In-Memory Conference early June.



Preview-Quote for new Book by CEO of leading Online Games Company with around 300 mio Users

Preview-Quote for new Book by CEO of leading Online Games Company with around 300 mio Users

It rarely happens that an emerging new technology can be seen as a “game changer” for a whole industry. But I think this is the case when it comes to in-memory database systems. Tasks which took hours or days can now be executed in seconds which is the technical foundation for establishing completely new business ideas. It dramatically speeds up the execution time of data analytics and thereby creates a much greater experience for the end user on our Bigpoint Gaming Platform. The book “In-Memory Data Management – Technology and Applications” from Hasso Plattner and Alexander Zeier describes not only the technical foundations but also the implications for new exciting applications.

Heiko Hubertz (CEO and Founder, Bigpoint GmbH, Hamburg, Germany / Bigpoint Inc., San Francisco, USA)

Preview-Quote for new In-Memory Book Edition by CIO Allianz, Dr. Schneider

Preview-Quote for new In-Memory Book Edition by CIO Allianz, Dr. Schneider


Being IT savvy and leveraging advances in Information Technology is the most important competitive advantage in today’s business world. I see in-memory technology as described in the book In-Memory Data Management – Technology and Applications from Plattner and Zeier as one of the most important innovations in the field of IT. The value for the economy as a whole far outweighs the effort of adapting the applications to this new standard. It dramatically speeds up the execution time of business processes, it allows for significantly more detailed and real-time data analytics and thereby creates a much greater experience for the end user. It brings business computing to a level where it is absolutely snappy and fun to work with.

Dr. Ralf Schneider (CIO Allianz, Munich, Germany)