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Ceremony with Minister President Dr. Reiner Haseloff

Opening Event of Enterprise Cloud Initiative founded by Google Cloud, Accenture and Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg.

Welcome address by the Minister President of Saxony-Anhalt, Dr. Reiner Haseloff, the scientific head of the cooperation Prof. Dr. Klaus Turowski presented the key points of the initiative.

Welcoming ceremony in a pleasant atmosphere, high-ranked representatives of the cooperation partners joined.  This includes Global Managing Director and Chief Technology Officer Prof. Dr. Alexander Zeier and Managing Director Intelligent Platform Services and SAP Business Group ASGR Dirk Appelhoff of Accenture, Director of Government Affairs & Public Policy for Germany Eveline Metzen and Partner Manager Achim Ramesohl of Google Cloud as well as Prof. Dr. Klaus Turowski. After a warm welcome speech from the university’s rector, Prof. Dr. Jens Strackeljan.

With cloud platforms in mind as “the next big step”, the initiative targets a variety of endeavors in technological, economic, and scientific terms.

While the Cloud Academy aims to prepare the next generation of workforce for the increasingly urgent need for cloud computing expertise, the network of renowned companies serves to explore promising new research directions and opportunities, such as the use of cloud technologies for event-based retailing, real-time campaign management, near-real-time quality assurance, and fraud detection.

Press release:

Photos: CreativeChaos (Dirk Dreschel, Lara Kretzschmar)

Gartner: „The Future of Business Is Composable”

“Composable Enterprise means creating an organization made from interchangeable building blocks” (Gartner)

The idea of composable business operates on four basic principles:

  • More speed through discovery
  • Greater agility through modularity
  • Better leadership through orchestration
  • Resilience through autonomy

Accenture has worked on such composable architectures for SAP clients for years and has the leading offering in the market, which has already been applied at many large SAP clients.

Composable technologies are the tools for today and key to use for tomorrow:

  • S/4HANA is the new digital core, providing a stable and proven foundation for the enterprise.
  • The core is extended by cloud platforms like SAP BTP and, e.g., Google Cloud — These platforms provide all the pieces and connect the capabilities in a very flexible way.
  • Google Cloud, for example, is providing truly differentiating capabilities in Security, Automation, Cloud Coupling (Google Cortex) and AI/ML for industry-specific innovation.
  • The OVGU, together with Google Cloud and Accenture, offers applied research for a Composable Enterprise architecture incl. SAP cloud coupling and also trainings.

Research collaboration and education initiative between Google Cloud, Accenture, and the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU)

The application of cloud technologies became tremendously important in recent years. More companies since ever are utilizing the great potentials that can be achieved by the cloud. Accenture, Google Cloud and the OVGU are aware of the increasing demands of novel cloud coupling concepts, especially with enterprise software, and also experts that are capable to interact and work with specialized cloud technologies.

Due to this, we are more than happy that we have started a first for Europe approach, the OVGU together with Google Cloud and Accenture, for an applied research of SAP cloud coupling and also trainings.

The newly formed Cloud Academy will take care of the latter and build on existing Cloud competencies with the Business Informatics Chair of Prof. Dr. Klaus Turowski.

Future experts will receive a cloud-focused curriculum and have the option to gain an industry-grade certification. Connected teaching institutions can also leverage this interdisciplinary approach and framework. Apart from that, together with leading applied researchers from the Magdeburg Research Competence Cluster (MRCC) of the Magdeburg University, various research avenues in this initiative will be investigated. This includes, inter alia, the utilization of Google Cloud technologies to facilitate a near-real time precision marketing, combining web-based data streams with SAP data for campaign management and audience selection.

The three partners offer an open, unique exchange platform for industry and science and invite further companies to join this Enterprise Cloud Initiative.



Official press release in English language on EurekAlert and also IDW

Official OVGU press release website in German language

Whitepaper – 3 Steps for Digital Disruption based on HANA/S4HANA + New Intel Persistent Memory 3DXP

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”HANA_on_Intel_Three steps to reinvent your enterprise as a digital disrupter_By Prof. Dr. Alexander Zeier, Accenture and Edward Goldman (with 3DXP), Intel CTO-2″]



Students will learn about promising In-Memory Technology

Dr. Alexander Zeier held his inaugural lecture on June 26th, 2013 as first honorary professor at the Faculty of Computer Sciences at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. He will teach in-memory technology and applications.

In-memory technology manages and organizes huge data bases, and enables companies to analyze large amounts of data and thus react in real time. Production, distribution, shipping and product sales create large amounts of data, which can be stored in data bases. Going forward all relevant questions such as “what was shipped when and where to whom“ can be answered and displayed on mobile devices in real time by analyzing operational mass data.

With the appointment of Alexander Zeier as a honorary professor, students of computer sciences at the University Magdeburg have the possibility to learn about the latest software developments and to receive a sound education in this field. „We foresee a huge demand for experts with capabilities in this technology and are pleased that the University Magdeburg has recognized this important field of education for their students and will focus on in-memory technology“, said Zeier.


Alexander Zeier

Dr. Alexander Zeier is managing director of in-memory solutions at the global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company Accenture. In this function, he works globally with clients to develop solutions based on in-memory technology. Dr. Zeier has been working with SAP technologies and solutions for over 20 years. He is co-inventor of ten patents filed regarding in-memory technology and applications for enterprise systems, and is co-author of the recently published book, “In-Memory Data Management – Technology and Applications”. During his academic career, Dr. Zeier has published more than 150 technical articles and seven books.

Dr. Zeier received an Dipl-Kfm/MBA from the University of Wuerzburg. He completed his studies in information technology at the Chemnitz University of Technology and gained his Ph.D. in Supply Chain Management Systems at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Dr. Zeier has been a Visiting Professor in Residence at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) focusing on in-memory technology and applications.

German Text Website University Magdeburg

Facebook News University Magdeburg for Appointment Honorary Professor Alexander Zeier

Press Release by Accenture – New Exciting Times…

Dr. Alexander Zeier Joins Accenture as Global Lead for In-Memory Solutions

Will Also Serve as Director of Programs for SAP HANA® Within the Accenture Innovation Center for SAP® Solutions

MADRID; November 13, 2012 – Accenture (NYSE: ACN) today announced the appointment of Dr. Alexander Zeier as managing director of In-Memory Solutions. In this capacity, Zeier will work with Accenture clients to develop in-memory solutions, provide sales support to global industry teams in leveraging in-memory technology, and provide ongoing thought leadership. He will also serve as director of programs for the SAP HANA® platform within the Accenture Innovation Center for SAP® solutions.

Dr. Zeier has been working with SAP technologies and solutions for over 20 years. Prior to joining Accenture, he was responsible for SAP’s first large in-memory application, and was a pivotal part of the development of SAP HANA, SAP’s platform for real-time analytics and applications. He holds ten patents related to in-memory technology and applications for enterprise systems, and is co-author with Hasso Plattner of the recently published book, “In-Memory Data Management – Technology and Applications.”

“Alexander brings an incredible and unrivaled depth of expertise in the areas of analytics and in-memory technology,” said Christophe Mouille, global managing director of SAP business for Accenture. “Alexander possesses a truly unique understanding of the business value that can be unlocked through the power of in-memory computing. Our clients will benefit from his extensive experience in researching and developing in-memory technology that turns massive amounts of customer data into actionable insights.”

“Accenture has been committed to developing solutions based on in-memory technology for several years, and I am excited to be joining this team to drive further innovations in this important strategic area,” said Zeier. “Companies are relying on transactional and analytical data more than ever. The capabilities enabled by in-memory computing combined with Accenture’s vast industry knowledge will result in better, faster insights and new innovative business processes for our clients.”

Since March 2012, Dr. Zeier has been a Visiting Professor in Residence at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), lecturing and conducting research around innovative enterprise applications and business process optimizations that leverage in-memory technology or SAP HANA. He was also deputy chair, Enterprise Platform and Integration Concepts, at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Germany, focusing on real-time, in-memory enterprise systems and RFID technology.

Dr. Zeier received an MBA from the University of Würzburg. He completed his studies in information technology at the Chemnitz University of Technology and gained his Ph.D. in Supply Chain Management Systems at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.

About Accenture
Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with more than 257,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. The company generated net revenues of US$27.9 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2012. Its home page is

Source: link

Foreword by CTO Realtech AG for German Edition of In-Memory/HANA Book

Foreword by CTO Realtech AG for German Edition of In-Memory/HANA Book

Vorwort für dt. Ausgabe des In-Memory-Buchs (sorry only in German, published in June 2012)

Titel: Grenzen überwinden
In-­Memory Data Management ist eine bahnbrechende Innovation, die unser aller Leben für
und mit IT verändern wird.
Was ist so bahnbrechend daran, warum jetzt und warum von SAP bzw. für ERP-­Anwen-­
dungen? Dieses Buch von Hasso Plattner und Alexander Zeier wird alle diese Fragen be-­
antworten. Als kleinen Vorgeschmack einige wesentlichen Dinge:
Schnelles Computing großer Datenmengen an sich ist kein wirklich neues Thema. In
Echtzeit erhobene Daten, wie z. B. Wetterdaten oder Daten aus dem Banken-­ und Versicherungssegment, und ihre Analyse haben den Einsatz von Großrechnern mit sehr großer Prozessor-­ und Hauptspeicherkapazität schon immer erforderlich gemacht. Auch bei der Bewältigung sehr großer Datenmengen in der Bildverarbeitung wurden in den letzten 20 Jahren bereits einige Meilensteine erreicht. Die Erfolgsgeschichte von Pixar – animierte Kinofilme in nahezu „True Reality“ – sind ein gutes Beispiel dafür, wie der technologische Fortschritt Geschäftsmodelle beeinflussen oder gar erst möglich machen kann.
Laut einer Studie von IDC wurden im Jahr 2011 weltweit 19 Million Terabytes an Daten
erzeugt und repliziert. Darunter sind meiner eigenen Schätzung nach ca. 0,5 bis 1 Million
Terabyte SAP-­Daten; und zwar wesentliche Daten aus den Bereichen Vertrieb, Marketing,
Produktion und Finanzen – also die Schlüsseldaten jedes Unternehmens. Genau diese sollten in Echtzeit korreliert und analysiert werden können. Der Trend zu „Big Data“ hält also ungebrochen an, und ERP-­Daten sind ein Teil davon.

Wo stehen wir heute?
Aufgrund technischer Limitierungen wurden große Datenmengen bisher asynchron, also
im Hintergrund, aufbereitet und in Business-­Analysen, Auswertungen wie SAP CO-­PA
(Controlling-­Profitability-­Analysis) oder Kalkulationsläufen für die Produktion großer An-­
lagen verarbeitet. Die Nachteile fehlender Echtzeit, doppelter Datenhaltung, komplizierter
Anpassungen von Schemata und davon abhängenden Benutzeroberflächen mussten zwangsläufig in Kauf genommen werden.
Dateibasierte Datenbanken – auch unter SAP – auf langsamen Datenträgern sind letztlich
der Grund für die fehlende Performance. Diese könnte zwar mit neuen Speichermedien wie Solid State Drives (SSD) verbessert werden, jedoch sind diese Lösungen noch nicht wirtschaftlich sinnvoll einsetzbar. Der Preis pro Speicherkapazität und ihre noch nicht ausgereifte Langzeitstabilität verhindern immer noch einen flächendeckenden kommerziellen Business-­Einsatz. Darüber hinaus verhindern klassische Datenbanken mit zweidimensionalen Tabellen einen schnellen Datenzugriff – und dies trotz aller Bemühungen der Datenbankhersteller im Bereich der Indizierung, des Datenbank-­Cachings und der Datenkompression.
Und hier kommt nun In-­Memory-­Computing ins Spiel.

Neue Chancen für das Business
Die Vorteile des In-­Memory-­Computings sind riesig. Begünstigt durch die technologische
Entwicklung günstigerer Rechnermodelle mit speziellen Intel-­Prozessoren, Multi-­Core-­
Architekturen und RAM im Terabyte-­Bereich lassen sich heute zu vergleichbar niedrigen
Preisen sehr große Datenmengen im Hauptspeicher vorhalten und verarbeiten. Der Datenzugriff auf einen Speicherblock im Arbeitsspeicher ist dabei rund 2.000-­mal schneller als der auf einer klassischen Festplatte.
Ein weiteres sehr wichtiges Merkmal von SAP HANA ist die spaltenorientierte Ablage,
die einen ressourcen-­schonenden – und damit schnelleren – Zugriff auf die Daten erlaubt und ebenso eine geniale Möglichkeit bietet, strukturierte Daten sehr hoch zu komprimieren.
Dort, wo das Business durch limitierende Faktoren in der Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit
von Daten nur eingeschränkt kreativ sein konnte, eröffnen sich mit dieser Technologie neue Perspektiven. Die Grenzen zwischen transaktionaler Welt und dem Reporting werden verschwinden. Und auch die Datenqualität und der Reichtum an Daten auf mobilen Geräten werden deutlich zunehmen, da die Barrieren zwischen serverseitig langsamem Computing und den Anforderungen an eine schnelle Visualisierung fallen werden. Bestehende und ganz neue Applikationen werden entstehen;; sie lassen sich viel benutzerfreundlicher entwickeln, wenn all diese Limitierungen gefallen sind. In anderen Worten: „Alle Daten, verfügbar jederzeit, in jeglicher Dimension und in jeder Aggregationsstufe und mit ganz wenigen Clicks“ – etwas, das wir uns alle schon lange gewünscht haben als eine Art „besseres Google“ für strukturierte und unstrukturierte Unternehmensdaten.
Dr. Rudolf Caspary, CTO REALTECH AG, Walldorf